Saturday, September 11, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog, THAT IS THE QUESTION

    As a future teacher, I do see the challenge and requirement for teachers of using up-to-date technologies. Blogging, compared to other technologies like Ipad, Macintosh, and Mobi etc., is fairly easy to learn how to use. Therefore, I would love to start my technology journey with blogging. I would use blogging in various ways to help with my teaching.

    First, in order to build a more student-centric class, I would love to share my blog with students, providing a platform to communicate after class. In this way, I may build a more intimate friendship with my students, and through the comments and messages they leave, I would know what encourages them study better and then adjust my teaching instructions.

    Second, we know most learning occurs outside classrooms, so I may post interesting readings regarding to my class or useful tips for learning language on my blog to share with students. So they could do self-learning or peer-to-peer teaching even at home. At the same time I also save resources for later teaching.

    Third, blogging is not only a communicative way between me and my students but also a door to the outside world. People could exchange ideas on my blog sharing new ideas and different perspectives. I believe it’s an effective and educating means to learn from people and discuss about language and teaching methods.

    In conclusion, blogging improves communication, collaboration, and efficiency.


  1. Hi Ling,
    It is very nice to meet you.
    I like the idea of learning outside of the classroom and having after class discussion with my student to share their opinion and ideas. I also would like to have something like a book club where I could develop a discussion with my students about their favorite readings.


  2. Ling,
    I agree with your ideas completely as providing a door to the out of class time and out of class world. While reading the last point I feel that it also gives a portal to allow quit or withdrawn students a one on one access to the instructor so they too will be able to participate and raise questions.
    Thanks for the blog,

  3. You have a lot of the ideas that I also mentioned in my blog. =)
    I agree with you that blogs can be used as a tool outside of class. This way, we can minimize the amount of students "forgetting" things that need to be done!

  4. You have posted some very good ideas for using blogs. As you mentioned, they are a good site to provide added resources for students who are self-learners as well as for those who need extra input.
    Dr. Bugos
